Tavern's News

News & literature. Know about the modern world through the eyes of a Caribbean taverner in the XVIIth century...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Peruvian Silver! Arrrrrrrgh 5/1

Quite nite in da harbor, at the time being...

Lately few ships have come to rest to our friendly shores. Two days ago, a frigate left. Today in da morning, a small fleet of barques... Me clients grow thin!!

But as I've not beeing waiting all day in da harbor -the puker is a specie that leaves some later effect on me grounds-, I didn't saw a Spanish merchantman come, full o'drunkies...

Suddenly, the later creeps come to me doors, asking loudly for rhum to wet their ugly throats. "¡Cantinero, Echanos ron!" I smile, seeing they carry gold in their purses... gladly smile.

"Por supuesto", I say in my mumbled spanish. I take out me best looking bottles, not da best rhum on it, though, and serve it as I collect the gold coins...

"¿De donde vienen ustedes?" I ask. Suddenly the dogs smile and laugh, as one responds: -"¡Del Perú! Jajajaja".

Me has heard some story about the place. Mountains, mountains and mines, that bring Gold and Silver to the Spanish Main, where the Treasure Fleet and Silver Train carries it to Europe... Unholy....

I ask them if they bring any news from the place and another responds:

-"Pues claro... Unos indios han tomado un fuerte en las montañas y se rindieron el día antes de que saliéramos para Caracas, donde robamos este bote".

Me realizes they are renegades... Arrrgh! Ugly sea-rats.

I lower my voice and ask one of them "¿Qué les llevó a salir de Perú?" He says nothing, and shows me a very large purse, full of coins.

As the rest of the gang seeks a table to sit, I stay with the young man at the bar.

"Le diré un secreto, cantinero. Mis compinches y yo asaltamos a una de las caravanas de burros que llevan el oro. Les condujimos sin problemas hasta las vecindades de Caracas, donde robamos el barco y cambiamos algunos lingotes. Están podridos en esa colonia y no le hacen ascos a unos lingotes frescos..."

Steadily, he walks proudly away, as I remain astonished...


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